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New Work

If this is the first time that you will read this post, Welcome!

Here I send new works, adventures, thoughts ... One more way to stay connected and share a little inspiration and colors of the moment.

You have been added to this special list, as you have shown interest in art and what I do.

I hope you enjoy it and get filled with Joy!

This month I share last works I've done in Long Island, where I'll be living for the next 3 months. I wanted to flow.... after being a little bit stuck with Oil works, I wanted to conclude, feel harmony, set myself free. So I gave myself the chance to let go, play & experiment with watercolors.

The result is these five works, all made watercolors and acrylics on paper. The watercolors are a new love, I like the colors follows its own course, I define the direction of the water, but the pigments go where they want to go, easy, in flow....

The first piece 'Look at me when I'm not looking' made me want to play with wooden panels maybe with a mixed technique. Stay connected for more news on that!

The photos do not do entire justice to the beautiful layers of color and brightness in different lights, but hopefully you get the main idea and enjoy it.

Until then,

Much Love


Look at me when I'm not looking Look at me when I don't know you are there Look at me when my mind is lost in the moment when there's no expectations and no preparations Look at me in my natural self when I'm just idle by the light and the colors of the sky Look at me when I'm not looking when I'm not ready for your beauty Look at me when I'm not one I'm just all, as there's no self when I'm not looking

'Look at me when Im not Looking'


Acrilic on paper

'Flowers in my Head'


Mixed on paper

As I paint this piece I cant stop wondering how much flowers are in my head.

Specially here in Long Island during this time of the year there is a different type of flower and roses blooming every day. It is fascinating to see all the colors and shapes in my every day walks, where we connect and time stops and we share the essence of life in this current time. ....keep reading



Mixed on paper




Mixed on paper



Mixed on paper

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